Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Paolo Scotton, Christoph Miksovic, Andreas Schade. Similarity Matching System for Record Linkage. US Patent App. 15/980,066, 2019.
Journal Publications
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, George Giannakopoulos, Le Minh Do, Themis Palpanas. On classifier behavior in the presence of mislabeling noise. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal (DAMI), 2016. DOI 10.1007/s10618-016-0484-8
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Graham Cormode, Themis Palpanas, Divesh Srivastava. Conditional Heavy Hitters: Detecting Interesting Correlations in Data Streams. International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDBJ). pp 1-20, 2015.
Azzurra Ragone, Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Fabio Casati, Maurizio Marchese. On peer review in computer science: analysis of its effectiveness and suggestions for improvement. Scientometrics, Volume 97, Issue 2, pp 317-356, 2013.
Michele Dallachiesa, Besmira Nushi, Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Themis Palpanas. Uncertain Time-Series Similarity: Return to the Basics. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) Journal 5(11):1662-1673, 2012.
Aliaksandr Birukou, Joseph R. Wakeling, Claudio Bartolini, Fabio Casati, Maurizio Marchese, Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Nardine Osman, Azzurra Ragone, Carles Sierra, Aalam Wassef. Alternatives to peer review: novel approaches for research evaluation, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience Journal, Volume 5, Number 56 - 2011
Reprint in Russian: Альтернативное Рецензирование: Новые Подходы к Экспертной оценке. Научная периодика: проблемы и решения, Volume 5, Number 1, pp. 15-34, 1(25), январь-февраль 2015
Mirilenko E.S. Overview of GEMINI-E3 models. Economy, modeling, forecasting. Collection of scientific articles, Economic Research Institute attached to the Ministry of Economy of the republic of Belarus, Minsk, N. 3, 2009, P. 248–262 (in Russian, Мириленко Е. С. Обзор моделей общего равновесия международных и внутренних взаимодействий экономики, энергетики и окружающей среды. "Экономика, моделирование, прогнозирование", Сборник 3, 2009)
Conference Publications
Evgeny Krivosheev, Mattia Atzeni, , Paolo Scotton, Christoph Miksovic, Anton Zorin, Business Entity Matching with Siamese Graph Convolutional Networks.
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35(18), 16054-16056, 2021 -
Thomas Gschwind, Christoph Miksovic, Julian Minder, F , Paolo Scotton.
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp. 623--630 -
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Paolo Scotton, Christoph Miksovic and Salah-Eddine Bariol Alaoui. Linking IT Product Records. Proceedings of the Data Integration and Applications Workshop (DINA 2019) in conjunction with ECML PKDD 2019, Würzburg, Germany, September 16-20, 2019.
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Paolo Scotton, Christoph Miksovic and Jeff Dillon. Hidden Layer Models for Company Representations and Product Recommendations. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Lisbon, Portugal, March 26-29, 2019.
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Michele Dallachiesa, Themis Palpanas. Data Series Similarity Using Correlation-Aware Measures. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), Chicago, IL, USA, June 27-29, 2017, pp. 11:1--11:12.
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Michele Dallachiesa, Themis Palpanas. Correlation-Aware Distance Measures for Data Series. International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Venice, Italy, March 2017.
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Christoph Miksovic and Paolo Scotton. Recurrent Neural Networks for Modeling Company-Product Time Series. 2nd ECML/PKDD Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data (AALTD'2016).
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Christoph Miksovic and Paolo Scotton. Applicability of Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Company Modeling. 16th Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), New York, 2016.
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Vassilis Christophides, Themis Palpanas, Ioannis Pefkianakis and Martin May. Characterizing Home Device Usage From Wireless Traffic Time Series. Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2016, pp 539-550
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Themis Palpanas, Graham Cormode, Divesh Srivastava. Finding Interesting Correlations with Conditional Heavy Hitters. IEEE 29th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), pp. 1069 - 1080, 2013.
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Alice Marascu, Themis Palpanas, Matthias Fehr, Stefan Jank, Gunter Welde, Daniel Groeber. Envelope-Based Anomaly Detection for High-Speed Manufacturing Processes. European Advanced Process Control and Manufacturing Conference (APC|M), Dresden, Germany, April 2013.
Katsiaryna Mirylenka, George Giannakopoulos, Themis Palpanas. SRF: A Framework for the Study of Classifier Behavior under Training Set Mislabeling Noise. Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2012), Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7301, 2012, pp109-121.
Azzurra Ragone, Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Fabio Casati, Maurizio Marchese.
A Quantitative Analysis of Peer Review. 13th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference - 2011. -
Michele Dallachiesa, Besmira Nushi, Katsiaryna Mirylenka, and Themis Palpanas. 2011. Similarity matching for uncertain time series: analytical and experimental comparison. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Querying and Mining Uncertain Spatio-Temporal Data (QUeST '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8-15.
Mirilenko E.S. (Mirylenka K.) Foreign experience of modeling the interactions between economy, energy and the environment (Мириленко Е.С. Зарубежный опыт моделирования взаимодействия экономики, энергетики и окружающей среды). Collection of scientific articles of the 5th international conference on system analysis and economic forecasting, Minsk, Belarus 21-23 May 2009, P. 232-237 (in Russian)
Mirilenko E.S. (Mirylenka K.) About general equilibrium models of international and national interactions between economy, energy and the environment (Мириленко E.C. О моделях общего равновесия международных и внутренних взаимодействий экономики, энергетики и окружающей среды). Proceedings of the 9th international conference on problems of forecasting and state regulation of economic and social development, Minsk, October 16-17, 2008, Vol. 4, P. 230-232 (in Russian).
Mirilenko E.S. (Mirylenka K.), Orlova E.N. Statistical spectral analysis of binary Markov chains. Proceedings of the 10th international conference “Belarusian mathematical conference”, Minsk, BSU, November 3-8, 2008, V.5, P. 55-56 (in Russian)
Dynovskaya E.S. (Mirylenka K.), Orlova E.N. Spectral analysis of Markov chains. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Data Analysis and Modeling, Minsk, BSU, September 11-15, 2007, V.1, P. 245-247
Siamese Graph Neural Networks for Data Integration
Evgeny Krivosheev, Mattia Atzeni, , Paolo Scotton, Fabio Casati
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.06543, 2020